

A lot of information here would not have been possible without these lovely resources:

  • Chessprogramming for their in-depth information about complex game solving
  • Various reference implementations:
    • Stockfish for lists of heuristics used
    • AlphaZero as a reference for a reinforcement learning implementation.
  • Pascal Pons's guide for a simple overview of topics covered in chessprogramming
  • Wikipedia for external references in regards to game optimization.

Other engines

There are a few notable programs that also aim to solve specific portions of combinatorial games.

  • GamesCrafters, which solves lightweight combinatorial games with lovely graphic visualization.
  • Glop, GNU-licensed software that solves specific combinatorial games by rigirous theory analysis.
  • cgt-rs, a combinatorial game theory calculator, serving as a CAS for combinatorial game theory notation.

For reference, the purpose of this software is to solve generic but heavy combinatorial games as fast as possible.