CCCC standings, ratings and statistics after round 17. Computer World Championship continues with engines battling for the first 8 positions that would bring them to next stage.
Round 17 has been completed out of 46 that will be played.

Here are some statistics from the games so far:

_ The crosstable of the engines._ Only the first 8 promote to the next round.

| Player | Score | (SB) | H | S | K | L | S | B | F | A | X | E | F | T | P

1:Houdini 6.0314.0/17110.00X===.=111=
1..=.111.111.1(+11 -0 =6)
2:Stockfish 22081813.0/17105.75=X===1===
111.1=...1..111(+9 -0 =8)
3:Komodo 2118.0013.0/17100.00==X=.11==
==..1.=11.1.111(+9 -0 =8)
4:Lc0 17.1108912.5/17102.00===X.===11
1..111=1...==1(+8 -0 =9)
5:Shredder 1312.5/1798.25.=..X=11==
.1==11=1==1.1.(+8 -0 =9)
=1===...111111(+7 -2 =8)
7:Fire 7.110.5/1775.750=0=0=X.=1.
.1=.1==.111.1(+7 -3 =7)
8:Andscacs 0.9410.0/1769.250===0..X0.
0==1.1.=1111.1(+7 -4 =6)
9:Xiphos / 1768.000==0=.=1X.
===0=...=.1111(+5 -3 =9)
10:Ethereal 10.889.5 / 1763.25=0=0=.0..
X=0=.1..1=11=11(+6 -4 =7)
11:Fritz 16.109.0 / 1767.7500=0.=.1==
X.11.===.===.1(+4 -3 =10)
12:Texel 1.079.0 / 1759.25.0..00.==1
.X========111.(+4 -3 =10)
13:Pedone 1.88.5 / 1764.00....==0===
0=X===1====.1.(+2 -2 =13)
14:Vajolet 2.68.0 / 1757.50=000===01.
0==X=...=..111(+4 -5 =8)
15:Arasan CCCC-20187.5 / 1753.00.=.00=..=
0.===X=101=0=.1(+3 -5 =9)
16:Gull 3.syz7.5 / 1749.000.=00.00..
===.=X=11==.1=(+3 -5 =9)
17:Fizbo 1.97.0 / 1748.000.0==.=...
==0.0=X=====1=(+1 -4 =12)
18:Ivanhoe 999946h6.5 / 1748.000.000.==.
0===.10=X110.=.(+3 -7 =7)
19:Wasp 3.256.0 / 1742.00.0..=0.0==
.===00=0X==1.=(+1 -6 =10)
20:Laser 1.66.0 / 1741.500.0.=000.0
===.===0=X1.1.(+2 -7 =8)
21:Nemorino 5.005.0 / 1734.500...00000
0=0=.1==1=0X.=.(+2 -9 =6)
22:Senpai 2.03.5 / 1725.25000=.0000=
=0.0=.=.0..X==(+0 -10 =7)
23:Crafty 25.23.0 / 1715.75.00=00..00
.000.00=.0==X1(+1 -12 =4)
24:Nirvana 2.42.0 / 1712.000000.00000
0..00==.=..=0X(+0 -13 =4)

_ The performance Elo of the engines so far:_

Rank Name               Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws   
   1 Houdini 6.03       472  147  127    17   82%   255   35%   
   2 Stockfish 220818   442  135  122    17   76%   264   47%   
   3 Komodo 2118.00     428  136  122    17   76%   252   47%   
   4 Lc0 17.11089       380  126  119    17   71%   257   59%   
   5 Shredder 13        370  129  118    17   74%   238   53%   
   6 Fire 7.1           342  127  121    17   62%   264   41%   
   7 Booot 6.3.1        341  127  120    17   65%   248   47%   
   8 Andscacs 0.94      319  129  124    17   59%   256   35%   
   9 Xiphos 0.3.17      301  122  120    17   56%   256   53%   
  10 Ethereal 10.88     285  127  124    17   56%   243   41%   
  11 Fritz 16.10        269  120  119    17   53%   261   59%   
  12 Vajolet 2.6        261  122  123    17   47%   272   47%   
  13 Texel 1.07         240  116  115    17   53%   230   59%   
  14 Pedone 1.8         237  111  111    17   50%   235   76%   
  15 Gull 3.syz         223  118  120    17   47%   242   59%   
  16 Arasan CCCC-2018   208  119  121    17   44%   234   53%   
  17 Ivanhoe 999946h    185  121  127    17   38%   261   41%   
  18 Fizbo 1.9          180  114  117    17   41%   231   71%   
  19 Laser 1.6          173  119  125    17   35%   259   47%   
  20 Wasp 3.25          155  116  122    17   35%   234   59%   
  21 Nemorino 5.00      123  123  135    17   29%   255   35%   
  22 Senpai 2.0          87  125  142    17   21%   273   41%   
  23 Crafty 25.2         26  133  158    17   18%   250   24%   
  24 Nirvana 2.4          0  139  172    17   12%   278   24% 

**This is with Lc0 - Gull game counted as draw. Since this is a rating list the real result should be counted, as the CCCC result by their rules because gull crashed, was 1-0 in favor of Lc0.

Score Game length Frequency
1-0 =-= 0-1 1-0 =-= 0-1
All games 54.4% 77 98 78 30.3% 48.0% 21.5%


Shortest wins (White)**
1-0(35) Pedone 1.8 3090 - Crafty 25.2 3283
1-0(36) Fire 7.1 3326 - Nirvana 2.4 3090
1-0(39) Arasan CCCC-2018 3123 - Nirvana 2.4 3090
1-0(42) Lc0 17.11089 3300 - Nirvana 2.4 3090
1-0(49) Stockfish 220818 3439 - Crafty 25.2 3276

Shortest wins (Black)
0-1(38) Nirvana 2.4 3186 - Booot 6.3.1 3013
0-1(40) Laser 1.6 3226 - Komodo 2118.00 3226
0-1(43) Nemorino 5.00 3099 - Booot 6.3.1 3123
0-1(46) Nirvana 2.4 3186 - Komodo 2118.00 3115
0-1(50) Nemorino 5.00 3099 - Fire 7.1 3259

Longest games
1/2-1/2(301) Shredder 13 - Fizbo 1.9 301 moves
1/2-1/2(237) Lc0 17.11089 - Fire 7.1 237 moves
1/2-1/2(225) Crafty 25.2 - Lc0 17.11089 225 moves

Shortest games
1/2-1/2(12) Nirvana 2.4 - Senpai 2.0 12 moves
1/2-1/2(26) Booot 6.3.1 - Arasan CCCC-2018 26 moves
1/2-1/2(30) Ivanhoe 999946h - Fire 7.1 30 moves

Move Frequency Score Draw
1: e4 112: 54.9% 50.4% 46%
2: d4 76: 37.2% 60.5% 50%
3: Nf3 16: 7.8% 53.1% 56%

Opening ECO classification :

Posted by: Bob23