these are auto-generated lists of repositories on my account, mainly for
catalogue info. if you want to learn how to set one up yourself, go to
the docs!
looking for my website? go to instead.
Projects (303)
Note Forks with more than 1 star are included in this list. This is
because a few forks are permenant forks of other projects.
- awesome-minestom (53) - A
curated list of awesome Minestom libraries, resources, projects, and servers.
- npm-rank (35)
(homepage) - get popular
npm packages
- deno-outdated (19) - Find
outdated dependencies in your deno project
- svelte-reparent (16)
(homepage) - reparent elements
with ease in svelte
- maxwell (9)
(homepage) - raw maxwell models and
maxwell fan website
- svelte-mathquill (7)
(homepage) - MathQuill
wrapper for Svelte
- svelte-monaco (6)
(homepage) - svelte + monaco
- svelte-mosaic (6)
(homepage) - svelte’s tiling
window manager
- co-authored-by (5)
(homepage) - generate
co-authored-by descriptions & emails for authors
- guess-the-color (5)
(homepage) - guess it. by
name. good luck
- beggar-my-neighbour (4) -
solving an irrelevant unsolved problem in combinatorial mathematics
- scannable (4)
(homepage) - QR code generation for
a modern web
- stun-only-rtc (4)
(homepage) - WebRTC server demo
with only a stun server
- biotrack (3)
(homepage) - store information on
users in private networks
- deno-cava (3) - cava CLI bindings to
- ferret_api (3)
(homepage) - collection of ferret
- gitpod-deno (3) - A simple script
that adds support for deno in gitpod.
- godot-jigsaw (3) - jigsaw example
in godot
- jsnow (3)
(homepage) - no clutter. just js, now.
- licraft (3) - lichess board
implementation for minecraft.
- motion-canvas-3d (3) -
motion-canvas 3d integration
- sttcv (3) - Svelte tailwind component
vite template
- svelte-text-path (3)
(homepage) - Reactive
auto-fitting text-path Svelte library.
- svelte-tilt (3)
(homepage) - Tilt library for
- todays-wordle (3) -
auto-updating today’s wordle
- type (3)
(homepage) - ridiculously simple typer
- cloud-url-resolver (2) -
easily resolve protocol/port setups on any development platform
- conspirasea (2)
(homepage) - make simple yarn-based
- ferret_images (2)
(homepage) - collection of
ferret images, in use with ferret_api
- jigsawable (2) - jigsaw game in
godot, demonstrating the
repository example
- lyricly (2) - song lyrics in the cli
- math (2) - No description provided.
- MCInstall (2) - MultiMC installation
script for linux.
- redos.deno (2) - check for ReDoS
vulnerabilities in code.
- rotator (2)
(homepage) - reupload of source code
- sim (2)
(homepage) - implementation of sim (the
- svelte-persistent (2)
(homepage) - Svelte writables
for local & session storage
- (2)
(homepage) - how to commit tax evasion
- unsolved-lean (2)
(homepage) - catalogue of sorrys
or proof_wanted in established lean formalization projects.
- allergitaves (1)
(homepage) - list of common
allergy aliases and what they actually are
- asl-caption (1)
(homepage) - generate captions
from videos containing ASL
- black (1)
(homepage) - for dirty screens
- black-footed-ferret (1)
(homepage) - a website to
raise awareness of the black footed ferret.
- bluebooth (1) - No description
- bookmarklet-editor (1) -
Edit bookmarklets simply
- build-themes (1) - a repo of
hypixel build themes (easily sortable)
- chessground-anim (1)
(homepage) - animate pgn with
- co-authored-by-deno (1)
(homepage) - deno deploy function for
- curve_collapse (1) - a function
to turn any arbitrary function into equidistant points from [a, b] with n
- doke (1)
(homepage) - code decoder
- duckshow (1)
(homepage) - a slideshow for many
- elementary-cellular-automaton (1)
(homepage) -
elementary cellular automaton on the web!
- esbuild-plugin-deno-resolve (1) -
Plugin to resolve deno import maps and URLs
- eyeball (1)
(homepage) - moving eyeball that
follows the cursor
- game-solver (1)
(homepage) - Solve any sequential
- git-cli-viewer (1) - open git
repos for browsing
- glop-nix (1) - glop for nix
- kanban (1) - a kanban management system
- (1)
(homepage) - auto-generated list of
repositories on my account, mainly for catalogue info
- Llama-Zips (1) - A game with a
llama and a grappling hook made in Godot
- Logitech-Extreme-3d-Pro-Visualizer (1)
(homepage) -
Check out the data sent by your logitech controller!
- mdsite (1)
(homepage) - serverless app for converting sites
into markdown w/ readability
- oeis-vis (1) - graph visualization of
relationships between OEIS sequences
- opennow (1) - No description provided.
- pad-life (1)
(homepage) - Alternative version of
game-of-life that is semi-controllable.
- parcel-resolver-svgmoji (1) -
simple emoji favicons in parcel
- pigpio-debugger (1)
(homepage) - simple CLI tool
for messing with pigpio
- point-visualizer (1)
(homepage) - webpage for
serializable visualization of points in 3D space
- primeish (1) - various prime
utilities in a CLI
- qrupcode (1) - Data-driven QR code
- shine (1) - shadow file cracker mainly
for CTF
- signal-async (1) - asynchronous
signals from different places in ts
- (1) -
Toki Pona Sona
- svelte-styling (1) - organized
& dynamic styles! use:style=
- svg-editor (1)
(homepage) - online code-based svg
- the-things-we-carry (1)
(homepage) - A game based
off of the things they carried, for a school project.
- todays-horsle (1) - today’s
- treblecross-solver (1) - A
treblecross solver written in Deno
- twind-colors (1)
(homepage) - Online copyable
cheatsheet/list of twind colors.
- webpage (1)
(homepage) - My personal site
- wenv (1) - environment variable editor
application for windows
- zed-gruvbox-ish (1) - zed port
of the vscode gruvbox-ish theme
- airfoil (0) - airfoil emulator !
- ansi-editor (0) - web-based ANSI
text code editor
- ansi-timeline (0) - upload an
ansi file. see a timeline. thats it
- arrowtype (0)
(homepage) - arrow typing program
- asciipinski (0) - Make ascii
sierpiński triangles
- auth70-bodyguard-triage (0) -
triage repository for
- base-n-finder (0) - find numbers
of 2^n that start with some Value
- base64id (0) - base64id port to deno
- best-browser (0) - use the best
- binaryen-action (0) - github
action for using binaryen CLI tooling
- bingo (0) - bingo simulator
- bird (0) - flyd for deno – low-level
reactive stores
- bitboard (0) - n-dimensional
bit-based arrays for games
- Blog (0) - A modern, light-theme blog
that uses MongoDB and Bootstrap styling.
- BMI (0) - Simple BMI calculator
- boolean-logic (0) -
programatically analyze boolean logic
- brainhuh (0) - brainf compiler &
- breathe (0)
(homepage) - a simple and short
breathing exercise, for as long as you need.
- caesar_cipher (0) - caesar
cipher implementation in deno.
- canvas-coordinates (0)
(homepage) - visual canvas
coordinates demo
- Chat (0) - Just another Chat plugin
- chessground-triage-click-positioning (0) -
triage for chessground for silly positioning issue
- circuit-to-circuit (0) -
convert circuit formats to other circuit formats
- code-and-crypt (0) - visualize
codes and cryptography methods
- countdown (0) - simple countdown
- Crews (0) - Crews extension for Cepi
- cross-interrupt (0) -
cross-platform graceful program killer
- curvegroove (0) - make fancy
animations with a simple UI
- cvss-calc (0) - a simple CVSS string
calculator & parser in Deno/Node
- dangle (0) - hangman in rust
- deep-email-scan (0) - scan for
exposed emails in a github profile.
- deno-codespace (0) -
preconfigured deno codespace template (for deno playgrounds)
- deno-playground (0) - A deno
playground with fresh and deno deploy
- deno_op (0)
(homepage) - list of all deno internal
- diamond-mine (0) - No description
- direction-test (0)
(homepage) - a simple test for
- discord-chat-webhook (0) -
an application that allows you to chat as a webhook
- dog-club (0) - dog club!
- dots-lines-boxes (0) - dots,
lines, & boxes. remake of a lil unity game for my game design class, in the
web! (godot » unity)
- dprint-plugin-yaml (0) -
YAML code formatting plugin for dprint.
- draw-graph (0) - egui-based graph
drawing software
- DropperHelper (0) - Simple
dropper utilities for Fabric
- emoji-swamp (0) - a ‘sea’ of
- enigma-rs (0) - enigma machine
handler in rust
- ExampleExtension (0) - An
example plugin with example plugin features.
- express-pipes (0) -
TypeScript-focused express.js middleware transformation
- factorr (0) - factor in rust
- ferret (0) - No description provided.
- ferret-rs (0) - p2p UTP/IP stream
with support for unreliable and reliable packets, and a reliable connection
- flight (0) - deno pipability CLI helper
- fluid (0) - silly fluid simulation
- fullscreen (0) - display an image
as max sized as possible (school blocked backgrounds, and thus 1984)
- fuzz-directory (0)
(homepage) - view oss fuzz
- fuzzgression (0) - common
regression patterns to identify type of function
- game-of-crackers (0)
(homepage) - theoretical game
about placing crackers on top of Some shape
- gdt (0) - gdscript tools for abstract
manipulation of ASTs
- github-actions-adder (0) -
svelte-add adder for vanilla github actions
- github-colors (0) -
auto-generated and deno registry protected list of github language colors
- github-issue-template-vscode (0) -
Preview issue templates inside of VSCode without having to constantly push &
- gitpod-firefox (0) - Template
project for testing in firefox with Gitpod. Perfect for sandboxed firefox
extension development.
- gluesql-term (0) - online gluesql
terminal & playground
- gnome-explosion (0) - display
explosions and other images on your screen with a click
- godot-devcontainer-playground (0) -
No description provided.
- godot-latest (0) - gets the
latest godot version in a zip
- godot-triage-adjacent-merge-polygon2d (0) -
godot triage for adjacent shape merges
- golgol (0) - 2-player game of life
- grid (0)
(homepage) - grid as a webpage
- h264cam (0) - No description provided.
- headphone-sensor (0) - No
description provided.
- hill_cipher (0) - hill cipher
implementation for Deno
- http-status (0) - http-status CLI
- ideas (0) - write down short little
things you want to keep
- infinite-tetris (0) - silly
procedural infinite tetris animation in a mimic of a real tetris game
- instant-ngp-playground (0) -
simple ngp playground to spin up in a codespace
- int_in_range_impl_kani (0) -
No description provided.
- javak (0) - incremental wrapper around
javac meant for replit
- js-load-demo (0)
(homepage) - flashes are
inevitable when your content is random!
- jvm-playground (0) - playground
for quick JVM coding
- kc (0) - expressive calculator
- ketchup (0) - ketchup on the latest
things with friends
- kettle-shell (0) - shell game but
the cups are like kettle.
- knockout (0) - Punch random image
- lan-spoof (0) - broadcast a local
server as a LAN server in Minecraft.
- leafchat (0) - simple, anonymous,
deployable chat service over deno deploy
- length (0)
(homepage) - get the length of a string
- LeoDog896 (0) - readme files
- less-rs (0) - less in rust
- lets-hackmud (0) - a little (for
self, maybe for others?) guide and tips for hackmud
- lib-ngrok (0) - simple ngrok
downloader and runner
- libcamera-http (0) - libcamera
video and still streaming for your HTTP clients
- licit (0) - robust, framework-agonistic
type-level permission system
- lightsout (0)
(homepage) - lights out game
- lila-devcontainer (0) -
devcontainer for lila
- livetype (0) - No description
- localchat (0) - chat locally in the
- logic-gate (0) - computer logic
gate simulator
- mac-identifier (0) - find and
identify mac addresses && outliers
- making-qr (0) - a little guide on
how to make a QR code
- marpmarp (0) - web editor for marp
- massive-text (0)
(homepage) - big text but massive
- mathlib4-tactics (0) -
autogenerated tactics list for mathlib4
- mathtype (0)
(homepage) - simple math typer w/
- md4-hash (0) - pure typescript
implementation of the md4 hashing algorithm
- mimic (0) - WebRTC video mimicking on
the server
- minestom-extensions (0) -
Minestom extensions
- minestom-logo-generator (0) -
A logo generator for Minestom made in svelte
- MinestomDataGenerator (0) -
DataGenerator for Minestom (not in use)
- minify_toml (0) - toml minifier
- mirror (0)
(homepage) - webcam mirroring
- modrinth_ai (0) - No description
- modrinth_deno (0) - deno wrapper
for the modrinth api
- multidimensional-dice-roll (0) -
Multidimensional dice rolling
- n-body (0)
(homepage) - ridiculously rudimentary
n-body simulation
- ngrokify (0) - Ngrok UI with egui
- nim-sprague-grundy (0) - No
description provided.
- npm-total-downloads (0) -
get total NPM downloads from a list of packages
- number_enum (0) - numbers as
- OceanFacts (0)
(homepage) - 🌊 Ocean Facts is a
limitless and free JSON API for a large collection of interesting curated
facts related to the field of oceanography.
- oeis (0) - impl of some oeis sequences
- one-by-one (0)
(homepage) - one by one pixel
- onion-or-not (0) - game about if
an article title is by the onion or not
- oppen (0) - open p2p
- p2player (0) - peer to peer games
- p2signal (0) - compression for
signaling data in webrtc
- paint (0) - simple drawing website (for
- parcel-implicit-env-test (0) -
triage for
- pata (0) - p2p chat app
- (0)
(homepage) - Repository of the PeerJS website
- perfect-toitent-number (0) -
calculates a list of perfect toitent numbers
- piano-visualizer (0)
(homepage) - visualize midi
- placement-scramble (0)
(homepage) - auto scramble
your text with the first and last characters remaining in the same place
- point-sphere (0)
(homepage) - a visual
demonstration of various ways to construct a sphere
- pona (0) - Check if your repositories are
OK! (tree-shakeable, ES6 module, TypeScript-ready, and more)
- ProxyPane (0) - Browse the web on
another machine.
- puct (0) - No description provided.
- quizada (0) - No description provided.
- Quizvertor (0) - Browser extension
that turns Quizlet study sets into note sheets!
- random_color (0) - Deno package
for making random colors – port of davidmerfield/randomColor
- rava (0) - Java in rust
- raw-input-capture (0) -
prints the char codes of ALL input.
- raw-to-github (0) - open
githubrawcontent URLs straight in github
- reaction (0) - reaction speed
calculator based on traffic lights
- redos (0)
(homepage) - fast ReDoS prevention in
your codebase
- red_deno (0) - red deno permissions
that you should not use
- reed-board-track (0) - reed
board points tracker and planner
- refs (0) - a small rust service that
hosts links on a db.
- reliable-validity-demonstration (0) -
demonstration via an arrow board of reliability vs validity with a gizmo
- replit-database-transfer (0) -
Simple database downloading and uploading from/to JSON
- replit.db (0) - replit db mock
- ress (0) - No description provided.
- revealjs-md (0) - A client side
simple program to write slides in revealjs using markdown
- robot-go (0) - an infiite game about
getting as many minerals as you can before Very Good Corp stops you
- rollup-plugin-pwa (0) -
Manifest and icon generator for PWAs, in a rollup plugin.
- roomloom (0) - Create peer to peer
- rrule-collision (0) - check if
N rrules collide with eachother (and where)
- rural (0) - read pages as markdown files
in your CLI
- rust-out (0) - No description
- rustun-cli (0) - A Rust CLI for
running STUN server and client asynchronously
- safetensors-viewer (0)
(homepage) - tiny web
safetensors viewer
- shrimp (0) - tiny home assistant
- siki (0) - simple wikipedia explanations
- Skript-Editor (0) - An editor
for skript
- snakes-ladders-sim (0) -
snakes and ladders simulator
- socket-messanger (0) - app to
message socket
- SpanishConjunctions (0) -
Spanish Conjuctions!
- sphere-coordinates-ts (0) -
implementation of Jonathan Kogan’s method for sphere coordinates in
TypeScript - Deno / Node
- spin (0)
(homepage) - spinny text
- sprouts (0) - No description provided.
- sqlbyte (0) - customizable open
tutorials && practice for SQL
- sqlparser-playground (0) -
web playground for sqlparser
- statico (0) - client-side static site
- stem-carnival-pinball (0)
(homepage) - pinball
game from stem carnival
- stem-carnival-sidescroller (0)
(homepage) - side
scroller game from stem carnival
- stem-carnival-slots (0)
(homepage) - slots game
from stem carnival
- stem-carnival-topdown (0)
(homepage) - top down
game from stem carnival
- steppe (0) - tauri-based terminal
emulator with a focus on customizability and usability
- stitch (0) - component-driven UI
framework for minestom
- stream-frame (0) - Web editor
made with sapper
- student-schedule (0) - easy
activity scheduling && management
- sudoku-board (0) - solve, check,
and generate sudoku boards
- svelte-adapter-executable (0) -
No description provided.
- svelte-blob (0) - Create simple
stylish blobs with ease!
- svelte-click-context (0) -
Trigger context menus on click
- svelte-deferred (0) - make
deferred calls to various libraries
- svelte-energy (0) - add energy
to your apps with simple animations
- svelte-gradient (0) - Svelte
gradient input
- svelte-graph (0) - 2d graphing
system and drawer for svelte
- svelte-inventory (0) -
flexible DOM-based svelte inventory and management system
- svelte-stopwatch (0) - time
tracker for svelte
- svelte-svg-wave (0) - make
beautiful svg waves in seconds of writing code
- svelte-xterm (0) - xterm.js
wrapper for svelte
- sveltekit-messanger-socket-io (0) -
basic sveltekit socket io messanger
- t-square-fractal (0) - No
description provided.
- text-gradient (0) - copy silly
little text gradients to your favorite WYSWIG editors
- thequeen (0) - the queen was cool
- thing-that-pings-me-on-discord-every-day (0) -
its a thing that pings me on discord every day
- time-from-now (0) - check what
time it is after X time
- tiptap-mathquill (0) - tiptap
extension for editing math in MathQuill
- (0) -
No description provided.
- tool-swing (0) - Swing around silly
little tools
- touch-grass (0) - No description
- treblecross-rs (0) - solve
treblecross games
- try_catch (0) - No description
- ts-lesson (0) - make custom lessons
with test suites for js / ts
- twitter-clone (0)
(homepage) - twitter without all
the bad things
- type-minify (0) - typescript type
minifier (for code golfing)
- typegolf (0) - typescript type golfer
(automatic shortener for uncompressed code)
- typescribble (0) - imagine a
npx tsc --init
. done? run npx typescribble
. (not released – YET!)
- typst-complex-calc (0) - No
description provided.
- unitcircle (0) - Unit circle
practice problems
- untyped-npm-packages (0)
(homepage) - list of
untyped npm packages
- url-safe-base64-playground (0)
(homepage) - quick
encode/decode for the npm library url-safe-base64
- usdo (0) - a history manager using JSON
- vigenere_cipher (0) - viginere
cipher implementation in deno
- vmath (0) - simple virtual math homework
- web-connection (0) - connect to
rdp, ssh, etc.. clients with a browser extension
- web-puzzle-jigsaw-demo (0) -
demonstration of fun jigsaw puzzle generation
- webrtc-media (0) - webrtc wrapper
utility for handling v4l2 and rstp devices
- wessel (0) - wasm docker vessel
- WidgetMake (0) - Widget maker (GCC
- yolov5-bound-check (0)
(homepage) - check yolov5
bounding box on an image
Forks (374)
Note I have forked a lot of projects for OSS contributions.
- awesome-python
(homepage) - A curated list of awesome Python
frameworks, libraries, software and resources
- qwik
(homepage) - The HTML-first framework. Instant
apps of any size with ~ 1kb JS
- Skript - Skript is a Bukkit plugin
which allows server admins to customize their server easily, but without the
hassle of programming a plugin or asking/paying someone to program a plugin
for them.
- svelte-canvas - 🎨 Reactive
canvas rendering with Svelte.
- .github - No description provided.
- ace-builds - Packaged version of
Ace code editor
- actix-storage - General key
value storage for actix-web with switchable backends(redis, sled, hashmaps)
- ahtml - html generation for ada (don’t
worry about it)
- AlchemistNPC - No description
- allsorts
(homepage) -
Font parser, shaping engine, and subsetter implemented in Rust
- arbitrary
(homepage) - Generating structured data from
arbitrary, unstructured input.
- Arena - No description provided.
- astexplorer
(homepage) - A web tool to explore the ASTs
generated by various parsers.
- async-compression
(homepage) - Adaptors between compression
crates and Rust’s async IO types
- atom (homepage) -
:atom: The hackable text editor
- awesome - 😎 Awesome lists about all
kinds of interesting topics
- awesome-1 - A collection of awesome
open-source projects which use the Modrinth API
- awesome-lint - Linter for Awesome
- awesome-minecraft - 📝 The
curated list of awesome things related to Minecraft.
- awesome-readme - A curated list
of awesome READMEs
- awesome-remark
(homepage) - Curated list of awesome remark resources
- awesome-surreal
(homepage) - A curated list of SurrealDB resources,
tools, utilities, and applications.
- babel (homepage) -
🐠 Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
- babel-handbook
(homepage) - :blue_book: A guided handbook on
how to use Babel and how to create plugins for Babel.
- beehave
(homepage) - 🐝 behavior tree AI for Godot Engine
- bezierjs - A nodejs and client-side
library for (cubic) Bezier curve work
- BileTools - Tools for making garbage
- BloomDocs - No description provided.
- boa - Boa is an embeddable and
experimental Javascript engine written in Rust. Currently, it has support for
some of the language.
- bodyguard - Fetch API compatible,
streaming JSON and form data body parser / guard
- boids - A fast JavaScript implementation
of the boids algorithm
- Bookshelf - A library mod which adds
additional code support beyond what is provided by Forge.
- BotanyPots - Adds some flower pots
that can be used to grow various crops.
- bson-rust - Encoding and decoding
support for BSON in Rust
- btcpayserver
(homepage) - Accept Bitcoin payments. Free,
open-source & self-hosted, Bitcoin payment processor.
- candle - Minimalist ML framework for
- canicli
(homepage) - A unified directory for seeing if your CLI
tool name has already been taken.
- canvas - No description provided.
- capsid
(homepage) - :pill: Declarative DOM programming
library. Lightweight (1.79 kb).
- cash - An absurdly small jQuery
alternative for modern browsers.
- cava - Cross-platform Audio Visualizer
- Cheesgle - The world’s best worst
search engine, based on cheese.
- chessground
(homepage) - Mobile/Web chess UI for
- chessground-examples
(homepage) - Usage examples for chessground
(homepage) - Chromebrew’s homepage, hosted on
GitHub Pages
- cli (homepage) - Snyk
CLI scans and monitors your projects for security vulnerabilities.
- codemirror-lang-svelte -
Svelte language support for CodeMirror 6
- codemonkey - No description
- colabtools - Python libraries for
Google Colaboratory
- compute-engine
(homepage) - An engine for symbolic manipulation and
numeric evaluation of math formulas expressed with MathJSON
- confetti-js
(homepage) - Easily Generate random
confetti for your above-the-fold content
- connectr - A super lightweight
Spotify controller
- content
(homepage) - The content behind MDN Web Docs
- Controllable
(homepage) - Adds in the
ability to use a controller to play Minecraft Java Edition
- CratesPlus
(homepage) - A free and great crates plugin for Spigot!
- curl (homepage) - A
command line tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax,
SMTPS, TELNET, TFTP, WS and WSS. libcurl offers a myriad of powerful features
- DefinitelyTyped - The
repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
- dejs - ejs template engine for deno.
- delta-client
(homepage) - An open source Minecraft Java Edition
client built for speed.
- deno (homepage) - A
modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
- deno-cliffy
(homepage) - Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including
Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more…
- deno-dom
(homepage) - Browser DOM & HTML parser in Deno
- deno-gfm
(homepage) - Server-side GitHub Flavored Markdown
rendering for Deno
- denobyexample
(homepage) - Deno by example - short examples
showcasing how to use Deno
- denoflate
(homepage) - WebAssembly powered
Deflate/Gzip/Zlib compression for Deno, written in Rust
- deno_ast
(homepage) - Source text parsing, lexing,
and AST related functionality for Deno
- deno_blog - Minimal boilerplate
- deno_core - The core engine at the
heart of Deno
- deno_lint
(homepage) - Blazing fast linter for JavaScript and
TypeScript written in Rust
- deno_swc - The SWC compiler for Deno.
- deno_task_shell
(homepage) - Cross platform shell
for deno task.
- deno_tui
(homepage) - 🦕 Deno module for creating Terminal
User Interfaces
- desktop
(homepage) - Simple collaboration from your
- dfdx - Deep learning in Rust, with shape
checked tensors and neural networks
- dht - The DHT powering Hyperswarm
- dialoguer - Rust utility library for
nice command line prompts and similar things
- dioxus
(homepage) - Fullstack GUI library for web, desktop,
mobile, and more.
- discord-tauri - A lightweight
Discord wrapper made in Tauri
- docker-prisma-studio -
💾💿 Prisma Studio for Docker
- dot-github - Template repo with
common GH related files
- dotland
(homepage) - website
- dprint
(homepage) - Pluggable and configurable code formatting
platform written in Rust.
- Draconic-Evolution - No
description provided.
- druid-todo - No description
- dts_minify - Minifier for
TypeScript declaration files (.d.ts)
- dugite - Elegant bindings for working
with Git in your Node applications
- DynamixelSDK
(homepage) -
ROBOTIS Dynamixel SDK (Protocol1.0/2.0)
- Egg - egg
- egui_commonmark - Markdown
viewer for egui
- ej2-javascript-ui-controls
(homepage) - Syncfusion
JavaScript UI controls library offer more than 50+ cross-browser, responsive,
and lightweight HTML5 UI controls for building modern web applications.
- ElCriCri-Website - No
description provided.
- elf2uf2-rs - No description
- emojilib
(homepage) - Emoji keyword library.
- emscripten - Emscripten: An
LLVM-to-WebAssembly Compiler
- epubcheck
(homepage) - The conformance
checker for EPUB publications
- esbuild_deno_loader
(homepage) - Deno module resolution
- eszip
(homepage) - A compact file format to
losslessly serialize an ECMAScript module graph into a single file
- etudes
(homepage) - Computer Graphics Études
with WebGL and Three.js
(homepage) - Repository housing the Everest
- ExampleExtension-1 - An
example extension for Minestom
- ExampleMod - Electron Mod for
- extensions - Extensions for the Zed
- fancy-regex - Rust library for
regular expressions using “fancy” features like look-around and backreferences
- fast-deep-equal - The fastest
deep equality check with Date, RegExp and ES6 Map, Set and typed arrays
- fast-json-stringify - 2x
faster than JSON.stringify()
- FastAsyncWorldedit -
Blazingly fast world manipulation for artists, large networks and developers:
- fastify
(homepage) - Fast and low overhead web framework,
for Node.js
- feather - A Minecraft server
implementation in Rust
- Figura - Primary repo for the Figura
- FishAI - No description provided.
- flake8
(homepage) - flake8 is a python tool that glues
together pycodestyle, pyflakes, mccabe, and third-party plugins to check the
style and quality of some python code.
- flank
(homepage) - :speedboat: Massively parallel
Android and iOS test runner for Firebase Test Lab
- font-files
(homepage) - 1500+ open-source fonts bundled into
neat packages.
- font-kit - A cross-platform font
loading library written in Rust
- fontsource
(homepage) - Self-host Open Source fonts in neatly
bundled NPM packages.
- freetype-sys - Low level bindings
for the FreeType font library
- fresh
(homepage) - The next-gen web framework.
(homepage) - Try out GDScript without
installing Godot
- genact
(homepage) - 🌀 A nonsense activity
- GlassIt-VSC
(homepage) -
VS Code Extension to set window to transparent on Windows platform.
- gluesql - GlueSQL is quite sticky. It
attaches to anywhere.
- gluesql-js - GlueSQL JavaScript
- GNAT-FSF-builds - Builds of
the GNAT Ada compiler from FSF GCC releases
- godot
(homepage) - Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and
3D game engine
- godot-demo-projects
(homepage) - Demonstration and Template Projects
- godot-vscode-plugin -
Godot development tools for VSCode
- GodSVG - An application in early
development for creating simple vector graphics. Built in Godot.
- google-font-metadata - A
metadata generator that fetches and parses the Google Fonts API.
- grass
(homepage) - A Sass compiler
written purely in Rust
- gruvbox-ish - Gruvbox ish theme
for vscode
- hantick-discord-bot
(homepage) - The official Discord bot
for the Jantick Technologies Discord Server. - Use this source code for your
own Discord Bot
- harfbuzzjs
(homepage) - Providing HarfBuzz
shaping library for client/server side JavaScript projects
- Harvey - Community managment Discord
bot for the Old Dominion University Computer Science community.
- - 🚀Memory safe,
blazing fast, configurable, minimal hello world written in rust(🚀) in a few
lines of code with few(1092🚀) dependencies🚀
- hickory-dns - A Rust based DNS
client, server, and resolver
- Highlands-Development -
Dev stuff
- Hill-Cipher - JavaScript
Implementation of the Hill Cipher
- hmac-drbg - JS-only Hmac DRBG
- HomePage - Home page and blog
- html-clock-plasmoid -
Configurable and lightweight clock widget for KDE. Stylable with QT supported
subset of HTML markup, supporting variety of usable placeholders to design
clock widget as you like.
- html5ever - High-performance
browser-grade HTML5 parser
- http-errors - Create HTTP Errors
- hydrazine-path-finding -
A rather basic A* path-finding engine inspired by a certain blocky sandbox
game that everyone has played before
- hyprland-website - The website
- iconv-lite - Convert character
encodings in pure javascript.
- image - Encoding and decoding images in
- insolitum - No description provided.
- itertools
(homepage) - Extra iterator adaptors, iterator
methods, free functions, and macros.
- IWM-Server-replacer -
Enables quick editing of your I Wanna Maker config.ini to allow custom servers
- jest-image-snapshot - ✨
Jest matcher for image comparisons. Most commonly used for visual regression
- jModifier - Utility library!
(Focused on object manipulation & more)
- JointMMO - Joint mmo project for the
minestom mmo organisation.
- jpeg-js - A pure javascript JPEG
encoder and decoder for node.js
- (homepage) -
Dedicated to JavaScript and its awesome community since 2015
- jsesc
(homepage) - Given some data, jsesc returns the
shortest possible stringified & ASCII-safe representation of that data.
- kdtree-rs - K-dimensional tree in
Rust for fast geospatial indexing and lookup
- kit (homepage) -
web development, streamlined
- ko-sleep - No description provided.
- Krypton - A fast, lightweight
Minecraft server written in Kotlin
- language-tools - The Svelte
Language Server, and official extensions which use it
- lapce (homepage) -
Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust
- - No
description provided.
(homepage) - A website (will be
- lean4
(homepage) - Lean 4 programming language and theorem
- lean4game
(homepage) - Server to host lean games.
- leptos
(homepage) - Build fast web applications with Rust.
- lhs-underwater-robotics -
No description provided.
- libfuzzer - Rust bindings and
utilities for LLVM’s libFuzzer
- lightningcss
(homepage) - An extremely fast CSS parser,
transformer, bundler, and minifier written in Rust.
- lila (homepage) -
♞ the forever free, adless and open source chess server ♞
- lila-gif - Webservice to render Gifs
of chess positions and games, and stream them frame by frame
- lila-http - Handle some load
- lila-openingexplorer
(homepage) - Opening explorer for that can handle all the variants and trillions of unique positions
- lila-ws
(homepage) - Lichess’ websocket server
- limbo - A simple, very minimal Minecraft
server implementation in Rust.
- lino-levan - No description
- logo.js
(homepage) -
A community logo for JS
- logos
(homepage) - Create ridiculously fast Lexers
(homepage) - The website of
- lz4_flex - Fastest pure Rust
implementation of LZ4 compression/decompression.
- manganis - No description provided.
- manual
(homepage) - Deno’s documentation
- MarathonRust - No description
- marked
(homepage) - A markdown parser and compiler. Built
for speed.
- mathlified
(homepage) - Exploring mathematics in the
digital age
- mathlive
(homepage) - A web component for easy math
- mathquill
(homepage) - Magic textboxes where you can type math as
easily as writing!
- matter-js - a 2D rigid body physics
engine for the web ▲● ■
- MCHPRS - A multithreaded Minecraft
server built for redstone.
- MDsveX
(homepage) - A markdown preprocessor for Svelte.
- mermaid
(homepage) - Generation of diagrams like flowcharts
or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown
- Mindustry
(homepage) - A sandbox tower defense game
- -
Website for the game Mindustry
- Minestom
(homepage) - 1.18.2 Lightweight and multi-threaded
Minecraft server
- - Minestom’s website
located at
- MinestomWorldEdit -
WorldEdit Platform implementation for Minestom server software
- minify-js - Extremely fast
JavaScript minifier, available for Rust and Node.js
- monaco-editor
(homepage) - A browser based
code editor
- monaco-themes
(homepage) - Themes to be used and generated
with monaco-editor in web browser
- motion-canvas
(homepage) - Visualize Your Ideas With Code
- movie-web
(homepage) - A small web app for watching
movies and shows easily
- mrgazdag - No description provided.
- ms (homepage) -
Tiny millisecond conversion utility
- MyWarp
(homepage) - An extension for the Minecraft
multiplayer that allows players to create and share warps with each other.
- Narsion - The core logic for the
narses project game world
- NBTify - A library to read and write
NBT files on the web!
- ndarray
(homepage) - ndarray: an N-dimensional array with
array views, multidimensional slicing, and efficient operations
- neoconfetti
(homepage) -
Confetti in Svelte
- neodrag
(homepage) - One Draggable to rule them all 💍
- NetflixController - Control
Netflix from your couch with a gamepad/controller using this Chrome extension.
- ngrok
(homepage) - Expose your localhost to the web.
Ultra-simple deno wrapper for ngrok.
- nixpkgs - Nix Packages collection &
- node (homepage) -
Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
- node-fast-plist - A fast PLIST
- node_shims - npm packages providing
shims for the Deno namespace and other globals. Useful for running Deno-first
programs on Node.
- nom - Rust parser combinator framework
- NoteBlockAPI - A simple API for
note block music
- NPC - Collection of NPC Types, Utils, and
Libraries for use on Total War: Remastered
- nx (homepage) - Smart
Monorepos · Fast CI
- Old-bot
(homepage) - The bot used in the sytespace discord
- onedirect - Simple 302 redirection
controlled by a web dashboard
- openmct
(homepage) - A web based mission control
- oss-fuzz
(homepage) - OSS-Fuzz - continuous
fuzzing for open source software.
- ow
(homepage) - Function argument validation for
- pakkit - No description provided.
- panel
(homepage) - Pterodactyl® is a free, open-source
game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. Designed with
security in mind, Pterodactyl runs all game servers in isolated Docker
containers while exposing a beautiful and intuitive UI to end users.
- parcel
(homepage) - The zero configuration build tool for the
web. 📦🚀
- pdf.js
(homepage) - PDF Reader in JavaScript
- peerjs
(homepage) - Simple peer-to-peer with WebRTC
- peerjs-server
(homepage) - Server for PeerJS
- perlin.ts - perlin noise library
forked from
- pest (homepage) - The
Elegant Parser
- petgraph-graphml - GraphML
output generator for petgraph
- pgn-mule - Merge, filter, tweak and
expose PGN sources
- pgn-viewer
(homepage) - PGN viewer widget
- pigpio - Fast GPIO, PWM, servo control,
state change notification and interrupt handling with Node.js on the Raspberry
- Pixelorama
(homepage) - A free &
open-source 2D sprite editor, made with the Godot Engine! Available on
Windows, Linux, macOS and the Web!
- pkgroll - 📦 🍣 Next-gen package
bundler for TypeScript & ESM
- pnpm (homepage) -
Fast, disk space efficient package manager
- PolyMC
(homepage) - A custom launcher for Minecraft that
allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once (Fork
of MultiMC)
- - The website.
- prisma
(homepage) - Next-generation ORM for Node.js &
TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and
- PrismLauncher
(homepage) - A custom launcher for Minecraft that
allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once (Fork
of MultiMC)
(homepage) - The Prism Launcher website.
- pylibsrtp - Python bindings for
- python-playsounds - No
description provided.
- qs - A querystring parser with nesting
- quiver
(homepage) - A modern commutative diagram editor for
the web.
- Quizlet-Exporter - Website
that exports Quizlet study sets into a variety of file formats.
- rapier.js
(homepage) - Official JavaScript bindings for the Rapier
physics engine.
- rayon - Rayon: A data parallelism
library for Rust
- reed-commons-menu
(homepage) - Bon Appetit cafeteria menu
- RegexScalpel - No description
- registry-1 - npm registry
- ReignOkeefe - Reign O’Keefe
- repl-auth-node - Nodejs client
for Repl Auth functions!
- riscv-gnu-toolchain-docker
(homepage) - GNU toolchain for
RISC-V, including GCC Dockerize
- rollup
(homepage) - Next-generation ES module bundler
- rollup-plugin-polyfill -
Rollup Plugin to Include a Polyfill
- rrule
(homepage) - JavaScript library for working
with recurrence rules for calendar dates as defined in the iCalendar RFC and
(homepage) - The Ruby community’s gem hosting service.
- rurel - Flexible, reusable reinforcement
learning (Q learning) implementation in Rust
- rust
(homepage) - Empowering everyone to build
reliable and efficient software.
- rust-harfbuzz - Rust bindings to
- rust-lightning - A highly
modular Bitcoin Lightning library written in Rust. It’s rust-lightning, not
Rusty’s Lightning!
- rust-socketio - An
implementation of a client written in the Rust programming language.
- rust-urlpattern - Rust
implementation of the
web API
- rust-yaml - A pure rust YAML
implementation; fork of yaml-rust
- rustcat
(homepage) - Rustcat(rcat) - The modern Port
listener and Reverse shell
- rustfmt
(homepage) - Format Rust code
- rustle - Svelte compiler rewritten in
- rustyline
(homepage) - Readline Implementation in
- rusty_v8
(homepage) - Rust bindings for the V8
JavaScript engine
- rutt
(homepage) - 🛣️ A tiny and fast http request
router designed for use with deno and deno deploy
- safetensors
(homepage) - Simple, safe way to
store and distribute tensors
- serde_nbt - A Serde library for the
serialization and deserialization of Minecraft’s Named Binary Tag format.
- serve-handler
(homepage) - The foundation of
- servo (homepage) -
The Servo Browser Engine
- shakmaty
(homepage) - A Rust library for chess and chess
variant rules and operations
- shapeshift
(homepage) - Blazing fast input validation and
transformation ⚡
- shields
(homepage) - Concise, consistent, and legible badges in
SVG and raster format
- shiki
(homepage) - A beautiful Syntax Highlighter.
- showcase_todo
(homepage) - Collaborative todo-list app
built with Deno and Fresh
- Siege - Siege is the official repository
of all code that makes up the Siege server
- similar
(homepage) - A high level diffing library for rust
based on diffs
- SimpleWarp - Warp plugin for
- site - No description provided.
- sites (homepage) -
Monorepo for the sites in the Svelte ecosystem
- Skyla - Skyla is practically skyfactory
recreated in minestom
- Slimefun-Server-Guide -
ill help you with any question for slimefun
- smileydown - A compiled markdown
language that uses emoticons.
- Snel
(homepage) - A Cybernetical
framework for svelte applications in deno
- snippets - Code Examples
(homepage) - Realtime application framework (Node.JS
(homepage) - No description provided.
(homepage) - No
description provided.
- sqlparser-rs - Extensible SQL
Lexer and Parser for Rust
(homepage) - :computer:
- stc (homepage) -
Speedy TypeScript type checker
- StreamMinecraftClone - A
Minecraft Clone developed live on stream at
- sttv - A starter template for Svelte,
Tailwind, Typescript, and Vite
- sudoku-solver - A fast bitboard
sudoku solver utilizing rust’s 128 bit integer types.
- surrealdb
(homepage) - A scalable, distributed, collaborative,
document-graph database, for the realtime web
- svelecte
(homepage) - Selectize-like component
written in Svelte, also usable as custom-element 💪⚡
- svelte
(homepage) - Cybernetically enhanced web apps
- svelte-add - Easily add
integrations and other functionality to Svelte apps
- svelte-confetti
(homepage) - Confetti in
Svelte! Celebrate things with some extra flair. Animates using just HTML and
CSS meaning it can work with SSR in SvelteKit!
- svelte-emoji-input
(homepage) - Visual
emoji picker for Svelte apps – forked & maintained
- svelte-fa
(homepage) - Tiny FontAwesome 5
component for Svelte
- svelte-french-toast
(homepage) - 🍞🥂 Buttery smooth
toast notifications for Svelte
- svelte-highlight
(homepage) - Syntax Highlighting for Svelte using
- svelte-iconoir - Iconoir SVG
icons to Svelte and SvelteKit.
- svelte-inview - A Svelte action
that monitors an element enters or leaves the viewport.🔥
- svelte-pwa-now - A PWA ready
Svelte v3.0 starter template with Tailwind, Now integration and optional
Typescript suppot
- svelte-simple-modal
(homepage) - A
simple, small, and content-agnostic modal for Svelte v3
(homepage) - The Svelte Society website
- Svelvet
(homepage) - A lightweight Svelte component library for
building interactive node-based flow diagrams
- svgo - ⚙️ Node.js tool for optimizing SVG
- swc (homepage) -
Rust-based platform for the Web
- systemd
(homepage) - The systemd System and Service Manager
(homepage) - No description provided.
- tarpaulin
(homepage) - A code coverage tool
for Rust projects
- terminator
(homepage) - multiple GNOME terminals in one
- terser
(homepage) - 🗜 JavaScript parser, mangler and compressor
toolkit for ES6+
- theZoo
(homepage) - A repository of LIVE malwares for
your own joy and pleasure. theZoo is a project created to make the possibility
of malware analysis open and available to the public.
- timewaster
(homepage) - I give up, just wasting my time
- tModLoader
(homepage) - A mod to make and play Terraria
mods. Supports Terraria 1.4 (and earlier) installations
- Toast.js
(homepage) - A library for Toast
- togetherjs
(homepage) - A service for your website that makes
it surprisingly easy to collaborate in real-time.
- tokei - Count your code, quickly.
- tokio-udt
(homepage) - No description provided.
- toml.dart - TOML parser and encoder
for Dart.
- tree-sitter-gdscript
(homepage) - Tree sitter
grammar for Godot’s GDScript
- TropicalShadow - MEEE
- trpc (homepage) - 🧙♀️
Move Fast and Break Nothing. End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy.
- turbo
(homepage) - Incremental bundler and build system
optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust – including Turbopack
and Turborepo.
- tutorials
(homepage) - A collection of official and
community tutorials and code walkthroughs
- TypeScript
(homepage) - TypeScript is a superset of
JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
- typescript-eslint
(homepage) - :sparkles: Monorepo for all the
tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript
- typos__fork - Source code spell
- typst-test
(homepage) - A test runner for typst
- ultra - Cryptanalysis of the Enigma
machine in Rust.
- utp-punch - uTP (micro transport
protocol) over UDP library with NAT hole punching
- vala-language-server -
Code Intelligence for Vala & Genie
- valence - A Rust framework for
building Minecraft servers.
- valkyrie - Type safe type safety for
- vite (homepage) -
Next generation frontend tooling. It’s fast!
- vite-plugin-favicon -
Leverages on favicons to automatically generate your favicons for you. And if
you want to also consolidate your PWA manifest, will generate that as well
with linked icons.
- vite-plugin-wasm-pack -
🦀 Vite plugin for rust wasm-pack
- vite-plugin-webfont-dl -
⚡ Webfont Download Vite Plugin - Make your Vite site load faster
- voxel-rs - Rust Voxel engine
- vscode-lean4 - Visual Studio Code
extension for the Lean 4 proof assistant
- vscode_deno
(homepage) -
Visual Studio Code plugin for Deno
- wasm-pack
(homepage) - 📦✨ your favorite rust
-> wasm workflow tool!
- wasm32-unknown-unknown-openbsd-libc
(homepage) -
The parts of OpenBSD libc that make sense on wasm32-unknown-unknown.
- WebODM
(homepage) - User-friendly,
commercial-grade software for processing aerial imagery. 🛩
- webots
(homepage) - Webots Robot Simulator
- webots_ros - Webots ROS package
- webpage-1
(homepage) - A personal website that does not
reflect my skill whatsoever. Now with themes!
- webrtc
(homepage) - A pure Rust implementation of WebRTC
- webrtc-streamer
(homepage) -
WebRTC streamer for V4L2 capture devices, RTSP sources and Screen Capture
- website
(homepage) - 🌎 Parcel website
- website-1
(homepage) - full NASA hunch
redesign, streamlined.
- website-2
(homepage) - My website.
- wheatleycrab - A discord music
bot written in Go
- - my
- winamp
(homepage) - Iconic media player
- Wormhole-X-Treme
(homepage) - WormholeXTreme is a
Stargate plugin for CraftBukkit
(homepage) - The website, and blog for SurrealDB,
built using Ember.js
- xterm.js
(homepage) - A terminal for the web
(homepage) - The website for xterm.js
- xxhash-rust - Rust implementation
of xxhash
- yarn - Libre Minecraft mappings, free to
use for everyone. No exceptions.
- yolov8_onnx_nodejs - YOLOv8
inference using Node.js
Archived (14)
These projects consist of ideas that were duplicates, libraries that have
clear better alternatives, or temporary repositories