If you're looking for a more convenient way to access the API, see the bindings.

    Card Scanner->>Server: Join <id>
    Server->>Game: Client requested join
    Game->>Server: Acknowledge
    Server->>Card Scanner: Notify Game Start
    Game->>Server: Finish Game
    Server->>Card Scanner: Notify Finish Game

GET /game/<id>/queue

Stream of player join events for a game. Returns a stream of JSON objects, each with a player and time field.

GET /game/<id>/queue/all

Returns a list of all join events for a game. Useful if your client doesn't support streaming.

POST /game/<id>/join

Join a game with a player uuid. This does not guarantee that the player joins the game; rather, the player sends a request to join.

GET /game/<id>/session

Returns a game's active session, if any.

POST /game/<id>/ack

Acknowledge a join event. Requires a list of joinRequest uuids to acknowledge. Returns a session id.

POST /game/<id>/finish

Finish a session with a score and data as a String. If continue is true, a score block will still be created, but the session will not be marked as finished.

POST /player/<id>/create

Create a player with a name.