
To contribute, the following tools are recommended:

  • Node.js v20+
  • npm, which should come with Node.js
  • Git
  • pnpm, which you can install with npm: npm install -g pnpm

If you are unfamiliar with git, use a git client such as GitHub Desktop or GitKraken.

To get started, clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone
cd biotrack
pnpm install


To set up the database, run

npx prisma generate
npx prisma migrate dev

This sets up a SQLite database in the prisma directory.

Whenever you make changes to prisma/schema.prisma, run

npx prisma migrate dev

To reset the database, run

npx prisma migrate reset
npx prisma migrate dev


To start the server, run

pnpm run dev

This will require setting up the database, as well as an .env file you can get by copying .env.example to .env and filling in the values.


To run the tests, run

pnpm test